29 januar 2011

going once...

so here we go. doing a challenge Andrew started. first post.the one that that didn't came like the others, this one was made for a reason (now I demolish my past posts like they have no reason....but they do...but still...this one is different) I'll challenge myself to do this. to make my blog a (one week long) routine?! still I've been discovering lately that maybe I do need some routine in my life. MAYBE.

me. myself and I.... I am bili. one little complicated person that can't live without words and communication. started this blog as an assignment for my English class. than it grew up to be more of my personal journal. place to free my hart. place to show myself to the world. my friends would say I'm an artist. I would avoid labels. we're all just humans (more or less) different. unique. crazy. wicked. boring even. we all try to do the best we can.
despite my gloomy moods I am in love with life and traveling and music and photography and sun and the rain and green fields and black night. maybe I'm hiding behind all this. maybe I'm just trying to show someone (I keep loosing) who I am. I am my words. my photographs. my friends. my lies.

the differences in all of us makes us special. the things I write about. the header that includes photo of a drawing I did on my wall. to my thoughts that I put out there for someone else to find. to feel. to understand. I'm trying to understand myself through this. discovering my emotions. my reactions.

I wanna make this blog useful. for someone else beside me. wanna try and make it count. help even. so you are the privileged ones (now whether or not this is a good thing) I show my weaknesses to. but as much as I write down. there's so much more you'll never know.

"words are meaningless and forgettable" - Depeche mode-enjoy the silence -

2 komentarja:

Andrew pravi ...

As always a wonderful beautifully written post and insightful.

Very glad you are part of the seven day blogging challenge.

All the best


Amber pravi ...

Great opening post! I can't wait to look around your blog some more.

Amber :)